How mittwald Enhanced Network Security and Visibility with ElastiFlow

How mittwald Enhanced Network Security and Visibility with ElastiFlow

mittwald case study overview


mittwald, a German web hosting provider, supports a diverse range of business-to-business (B2B) customers, especially focusing on agencies. Its network team previously faced challenges with manual, limited traffic monitoring capabilities. To overcome these challenges, mittwald adopted ElastiFlow NetObserv and, more recently, NetIntel. These solutions deliver deep visibility into network traffic, allowing the team to quickly detect and mitigate security threats like distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks with increased efficiency.


mittwald supports a variety of B2B customers that resell its services to their clients. As mittwald’s network grew, the team faced challenges with existing traffic-monitoring processes and needed to improve visibility.

Quote 1 - Fabian Kretschmer

While the team could manually monitor some details, they lacked the depth and insight required into exact traffic flows to show what was happening on the network.

This limited visibility made it more challenging to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks. While larger- scale incidents were often easier to detect, smaller attacks required more-advanced detection tools.

mittwald’s team realized they needed a comprehensive network observability solution to
provide deeper insights into traffic flows. They sought a solution to improve their ability to detect and respond to threats faster, including keeping up with advancing DDoS threats.



mittwald initially adopted the basic version of ElastiFlow to monitor its network traffic. This solution significantly improved its visibility into traffic flows compared to its previous technologies and manual processes.

Quote 2 — Fabian Kretschmer, Network Engineer, mittwald

More recently, mittwald implemented ElastiFlow NetIntel to enhance its security capabilities. This feature enriches internal and external network traffic data, helping the team focus on genuine threats while filtering out noise.

“Getting started with NetIntel was simple,” Kretschmer explains. “We just added our license and it was ready to go.”

Key benefits of the NetIntel solution included:

By integrating enriched traffic insights and automation, NetIntel empowers mittwald to stay ahead of evolving threats while minimizing operational complexity.

  • Improved network flow visibility.

    NetIntel helped Kretschmer’s team enrich traffic data with details like autonomous system numbers and geographic coordinates. “The enrichment feature was easy to implement and gives us deeper insights when querying data,” notes Kretschmer.

  • Faster threat detection and mitigation.

    With NetObserv and NetIntel, mittwald can now detect and respond to security threats, such as DDoS attacks, far quicker than before. Automated notifications and response capabilities allow the team to minimize disruptions and protect customers.

  • Faster attack response.

    The solution allows mittwald to quickly pinpoint the source of attacks, whether large- scale events or small ones, allowing them to take faster actions, such as IP blacklisting or activating “black holes,” to mitigate the impacts. “With NetObserv and NetIntel, we are getting notified about the small attacks,” says Kretschmer. “Before using the solution, we only had our SNMP monitoring, which had very limited visibility, and now we really get the knowledge we need to respond quickly.”


After implementing NetObserv and NetIntel, Kretschmer’s team has achieved significant time savings compared to their previous approach, which relied on many manual processes.

  • Increased threat detection and response

    By leveraging NetIntel’s easy integration, enabled with a simple license update, the team has improved its ability to detect and respond to security issues.

  • Faster mitigation of security threats

    With detailed traffic insights from ElastiFlow, the team could easily identify the source of an attack and take quicker mitigation actions. “ElastiFlow has saved us a lot of time and trouble,” notes Kretschmer.

  • Increased readiness for evolving threats

    As attacks become more sophisticated and smaller in scale, high-frequency threats could go unnoticed. Kretschmer highlights the importance of having a solution like NetObserv and NetIntel to stay ahead of these risks.

  • Measurable impact on mitigation speed

    Kretschmer notes that the ability to reduce security threat impacts is huge for his team. “We measure success by how fast we can mitigate a DDoS attack without impacting our customers, and that’s really fast with NetObserv and NetIntel,” says Kretschmer.

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